The web site of budgetchrist


Elisabeth Zone
Currently consuming...
Book: Firestarter
Game: Terraria + Postal Redux
I finally achieved iMac G3 PC monitor, a longtime dream of myself aand humanity at large

I wanted to create a resource page with all the sojurces/ parts I used in my journey. Frst and foremost, my imac G3 iws a tray versiion. If you search "imac g3 monitor" you will mostly find resources on the conversion of the disc version (DV). I did spend far too long thinking mine qwas a DV because it takes discs- they all take discs, but unfortunately I didnt think hard enough about this and bought custom circuit borads for mossing a DV, slot loader, which is completely different. Here's some handy rewsources if yoou yourself have a disc version- good luck and godspeed.

The fantasticd news for us tray loaders is that its wayyyyy eassier. The issue for me was the lack of resources. This amazing fellow uploaded a video a few months ago, when I had already been struggling in disc version hell for many months. Please, save yourself and watch his video.

I also found this excellent post that documents making an imac g3 monitor for the poster's daughter. Great parenting and excellent photo/text guidew, for those of us who prefer it over video.

I will still go through my process because I have some unique goals, and I also wanted to create an easy tto follow parts list with sources and numbered steps.

My unique goalsssss

No soldering. I have a hand tremor and while I can and do solder things, its easiier not to. In addition to this I hope to make this more accessible for people whi have less experience with electronic surgery.

No perma-damage to the imac G3- its a relic, I want to perserve it in case I decide to become a ludite and return to the beautiful world of OS 9.

I want this sucker to be able to maintain as much of its exterior as possible, including the beautiful venticular port cover- the goal is to build around this and to take it as an opportunity to beef it up

I want it to be as useful/usable as possible. I want that tray disc reader working. In addition, I'd like speakers functional,

Now jamming to...